Web Developer Portfolio

A Front-End Developer with experience in JavaScript, ReactJs, Typescript, Dynamics 365 Portal, Shopify theme development, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Storybook, and Liquid templating.
Has eight years of experience working in the IT industry. He began his career as a software support and pursued a career in web development.
He also has interests in software principles such as DRY and YAGNI, DevOps deployment methodology, Agile methodology, and web3.



Assigned as a front-end developer analyst for Deloitte’s clients. Part of the support team for Front-end developer bootcamp.

  • Sass
  • ReactJs
  • Typescript
  • Jira


Webstore developer that handles client’s Shopify store, build, customization, app and payment integration, and maintenance.

  • Shopify
  • Javascript
  • CSS


Handles mainly client software concerns and technical issues. Designs the UI of the system, and gather feedback from the clients.

  • visual studio .net
  • Photoshop

Viseo Asia

As a Freelance Shopify developer I was a part of the Viseo Asia team who built the site for Telmont, testing, debugging and has helped the team with migrating to shopify 2.0

  • Shopify
  • Shopify 2.0


Worked with a range a technologies in the web development and DevOps for building real-world apps.

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    React.js, Shopify, NextJs, Javascript, HTML, CSS/SCSS, Typescript

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Nodejs, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and Heroku

  • Other Dev Tools

    Experience with
    tools like Storybook, JIRA, chrome dev tools, axe devtools, and Azure pipeline


Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology and started as a customer service support, became a software support at TALAPOINT. Pursued a career in web development at GDEC, where I handled mostly Shopify stores. Currently working at DCPDC as a Front-end developer consultant.

Personal Achievements


Shopify stores completed


Web Development courses Completed


Web techologies


Completed projects in Deloitte

"Clean code always looks like it was written by someone who cares." - Robert C. Martin